Subject: End Your Mind F**kery Pronto!

(secret mind hack)...

Hey there,

Hope your weekend allowed for a little recharge.

I’m gonna be perfectly honest with you… I get stressed a LOT.


As an entrepreneur running a mobile detailing businesses, I’d be lying if I said that I never feel the weight of that responsibility.


However, it’s not the stress that matters.


It’s what we do with it.


And if you stick with me up until the very end, you may be able to annihilate stress in your life, too.


I have a mentor who likes to say, “your stressings are your blessings”.


And I admit… when I first heard it, I didn’t get it either.


Let’s think about it though…


Have you ever felt stressed about paying the mortgage?


Isn’t it a blessing to have that roof over your head?


Ever feel stressed about the credit cards?


Isn’t it a blessing to have someone who doesn’t even know you trust you with their money?


Ever lose your patience getting the kids dressed for school?


Isn’t it a blessing to have those awesome little humans in your life though?


Whatever it is in the world that’s stressing you (and believe me, I’ve been through some major $#@!)... 


...there is another side to it that is your blessing, too.


And while it’s not always easy to completely set aside… it definitely lessens the burden when you can see the blessing in your stressing ;-)


So, whatever you’re going through, here’s a few questions to ask yourself to help you shift from stressing to blessing:


What’s the benefit of having this problem?


Would I want to give up the person, place, or thing causing the problem?


What else would I have to give up not to have this problem anymore?


Remember: The problem is not the problem. It’s our attitude about the problem that’s the problem.


Once your realize this, you'll be amazed at just what your able to accomplish.


- Joe

Fullstaq Mentor