Subject: A Little Change Is The Spice Of Life

I totally get it....

So, you weren't ready for Business Launch Challenge...

That's totally okay.

There will always be other opportunities, right?

I was chatting with a friend the other day and the question came up...

“What’s your favorite quote?”

My answer was almost instant!

One of my favorite quotes is:

“You must be ready to take advantage of the opportunity of a lifetime, in the lifetime of the opportunity.”

What does it mean?


An opportunity of a lifetime... these don’t happen often.

That’s why they’re called once in a lifetime opportunities, right?

They happen once in a lifetime.

So you must take advantage of that once in a lifetime opportunity.

But here’s the second half of that quote:

“In the lifetime of the opportunity”

That opportunity has a short lifetime before someone else is going to swoop in and say “YUP, THAT’S FOR ME” and your opportunity is gone forever.

So when you put it together you have two things:

Take advantage of the opportunity.


Take advantage NOW before someone else does instead.

Because it may never happen again for you.

Ready or not, here’s your opportunity, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF


Claim Your Opportunity Here » 

I’ll see you on the other side. ✌️


- Joe

Fullstaq Mentor

P.S. Listen, this opportunity isn’t around for very long. Some people win, some people learn, both people are 10 or 20 steps ahead of the average person now. Don’t get left behind.

Claim Your Opportunity Here »