Subject: 😜 Friend, K2 intro zoom call tonite @ 7 pm EST

Hi Friend!

For all K2 pioneers!

We will do our introductory zoom Tuesday Dec 15 at
7:00PM ET. Bring your questions and your guests.

There will be no zoom this Thursday.

We will then have our next introductory zoom the
following Tuesday evening (the 22nd) again at
7:00 pm ET.

Here is our link to our introductory zoom:

Pswd: K2

See you on the Zoom!

K2 Wealth Global Pioneer



I wanted to touch base and share the hi points of
yesterday's zoom meeting with the K2 Wealth Global
Master Trader and my sponsor Glyn Taylor.


First, the optional Founders Pack purchase has been
extended to end of January, since December is an
awkward trading month and too many other things
happening socially & economically.

I think the best benefit of buying the Founders Pack
is the special participation in the Leaders Pool, a 1%
profit sharing offered by the company, paid out either
monthly or quarterly (not sure yet).

My sponsor Glyn Taylor, will be giving me the access
info to a Tuesday and Thursday evening team Q&A
zoom calls for us to learn more about everything,
including the compensation plan and plans for the
future of the company and the passive trading. I'll
let you know as soon as I get the info.

In yesterday's zoom meeting, we asked the master
trader lots of questions. He's known the owners of
this company for 25 years and is friends with them.
He feels very comfortable with the legal structure of
the company and the integrity of the owners. He's
been trading for the family and friends of the owners
since March and they decided to open this passive
opportunity up to the world, including to U.S. residents.
We've been in the pre-pre startup phase since summer,
and the website and back office are still a work in
progress. Whoever joins now are the early birds...
the special worm we get is the opportunity to purchase
the Founders Pack before the end of January. Then
the real roll out begins in February.

The Master Trader has been trading forex since 2000
and money management is his forte. His biggest draw
down since he started trading for the company was
a one time 15% but it's normally around 6%. He goes
for long term trades of 100-200 pips take profit, with
a stop of around 50-100 pips, esp if any trades are
held over the weekend, to protect against potential
big market open gaps Sunday nite.

He trades pullbacks using Elliot Wave and Fibonacci.
He doesn't trade every day. He averages 20% gain
each month.

The company just added a scalper trader recently
who trades more frequently than the Master Trader.
There will be 2 more traders added soon. With a
total of 4 live traders, if anything should happen with
any trader as far as their ability to continue to trade,
like illness or accident, etc, the trading will continue
with the other traders. Each trader has many years
of forex trading experience and each averages 20%
profit per month.

The Master Trader acknowledged that December is
a terrible month for trading, as most pro traders are
on vacation... this includes hedge fund managers and
bankers. So trading volume is thin and trends are
small. Trading conditions will improve the first week
of January and the best trading months of the year
follow through end of April.

To be ready by January is important. To have your
trading accounts funded by then is the goal.


As a reminder, this company allows us to earn money
in two ways:

1. trading gains in our own MT4 acct from the K2 traders;

2. our sub-IB commissions earned on our own trading
volume and on the trading volume of 6 levels down,
if we have referred someone else and they have
referred someone else, etc., etc.

The larger we fund our own trading accounts, and the
larger our referrals fund their trading accounts, the
more sub-IB commissions we'll be earning on the
trading volume, going down 6 levels. The bigger the
lot sizes being traded, the bigger our IB commissions.

If you don't know what IB commissions are, an IB
is an Introducing Broker. Brokers pay commissions
to bring new clients to them. The commissions come
from the spread of each trade, not from clients winning
or losing from their trades. This is how a true ECN
broker works.

The company K2 Wealth Global is the main IB and
because we sign up for our new trading accounts
under them, they earn IB commissions based on our
trading volume. The IB commissions come from the
trading activity and the spread of each trade. The
broker shares in the spread with the company K2,
and when we sign up using the K2 link for a new
trading account, K2 allows us to become sub-IBs
under their umbrella, and they share a portion of
their IB commissions with us.

So based on the trading volume and size of our own
MT4 trading accounts and the trading accounts 6
levels down, we will earn IB commissions. Over time,
as our own and our referral's trading accounts grow
larger, the IB commissions will grow larger and can
become quite significant.

We can withdraw those commissions as cash monthly
or we can use them to increase the size of our own
trading accounts, or both.


To be linked to the IB structure within K2, you MUST
open a new MT4 account with one of the 3 brokers
provided to you in your Welcome email from K2 that
is emailed to you after you join via my referral link.
Please check your inbox/spam and gmail Promotional
tab and look for the K2 Welcome email and follow the


If you've already joined K2 Wealth Global via my own
referral link, then I hope you've opened a new MT4
trading account with one of the 3 brokers provided to
you in your Welcome email from K2.

If you didn't do this, you can't participate in the
extremely lucrative IB program. You can't even
receive the trades from the K2 traders. You aren't
in the loop, you aren't hooked up. You must hook up
as per your Welcome email from K2.

If you haven't joined K2 yet but still want to, please
use my referral link below:

The Referrer's Username should be: Cynthia Macy

Please look for an immediate Welcome email from K2
and click the link to open your broker MT4 account.

Fund your own NEW personal MT4 account with one of
our affiliated brokers.

Currently affiliated with three MT4 ECN brokers, one
for US and British Columbia traders, one for Canadians
except B.C., and the other for all other International

If you wish to participate in the automated trading
program and IB compensation, please use the links
in the K2 Wealth Global Thank You email to open a
NEW broker account with one of the current affiliated

1. Choose VantageFX to open NEW account, $200
minimum outside USA & Canada and choose the
STD type of account. If you click on Europe for your
location, it will re-route you to the appropriate country
for your IP address. If you encounter any problems
due to your location, just send them an email.

2. $500 minimum to trade in USA and British Columbia
with LQDFX, must open a NEW account.

Choose the GOLD type account and choose the bonus
and choose 1:200 leverage. Recommended minimum
funding amount to have your new account traded by
more than one trader is $700.... better for margin
usage would be $1,000.

3. For Canadians except British Columbia, you must
open a new MT4 account with the link in your K2
Welcome email with the broker Pacific Union.

Input this information when registering with Pacific Union,
it has to be in:

1:) USD funds

2:) STD account

3:) 1:300 Leverage, this cannot be changed or inputted
until your account is approved, but make sure this is
your correct leverage number.

You MUST use a broker join link in K2 Welcome email
to ensure K2’s IB status and to receive IB commissions.

Remember, IB commissions are paid down through 6
levels including your own! So the bigger everyone's
account is, the bigger the lot sizes traded, and the
bigger everyone's IB commissions will be.

I recommend that you fund your new live account with
more than the broker minimum. To have more than one
trader trade your account, you must fund with at least
$700 to $1,000. With more than one trader trading
your account, you'll need the extra margin.

Watch trades in real time on your phone/computer in
your MT4 account. For your phone, download the MT4


What Is K2 Wealth Global?

Use password: k2wealth! (lower case k ending with
the exclamation)

NOTE: once you join using my referral link and create
a new MT4 trading account using the K2 referral link,
you will also become an affiliate and will receive your
own affiliate link to sign up others.


You DON'T need to fund a trading account to earn the
IB commissions going down 6 levels.... you can just
promote. You can use your IB commissions to later
fund your MT4 trading account if you wish to start
having the pros trade for you.

That's all for now Friend, if you have any questions
please hit 'reply' to this email.

I welcome you as you come aboard this passive forex
trading opportunity!

Join me here:

Best Regards, Cynthia

PS. If you're no longer interested in this opportunity,
please un-subscribe by using the link below... no hard
feelings, this may not be for everyone!


This is your last reminder for today's zoom call!

UPDATE: There won't be a recording of the call for
company security reasons.... please try to be there!

I've arranged a zoom call with the Master Trader of
K2 Wealth Global and my sponsor, Glyn Taylor.

The date is today Saturday Dec. 12 at 2 pm EST.

Please click on this link at that time to join us:

You'll be prompted to download the zoom software
and then you'll be in the room.

You can ask questions about the company, the trading
strategies, the new scalper trader, the Master Trader's
trade techniques, company plans for the future, etc.

Hope to see you there! I'll send out a couple reminder
emails. If you can't make it and have questions you
want me to ask, just reply back with with your questions.

Best Regards, Cynthia



Hope you're doing well and HAPPY THANKSGIVING
to all my American friends!


Hello K2WG Members,

Here are some K2WG updates for this week:

The Official K2 Wealth Global Telegram channel is
now LIVE. Here is the channel invite link for those of
you that missed it:
(you can ask questions and get answers)

In order to enhance the checkout process with payment options, we are currently integrating a “Pay With” BTC option. We are at the final integration and testing stage. Stay tuned for the release date and instructions on how to process a transaction with BTC.

K2WG Trading Team

We are currently in the final stages of vetting 2 potential traders to be added to the team. One may join live trading
as early as December, the other scheduled for 1st quarter

In order to receive the signals from all members of the
K2WG trading team and for risk management, your monthly starting account balance must be at least $700 USD. In the event, that it is less than $700 USD, your account will remain active and continue trading with the initial one trader.

Last week was an example of high "pull-backs" (rapid
change of directions in the market). We are proud to
highlight our team’s risk management methodology that
proved itself once again during this period as it kept the
account balances safe and only a slight drop.

Remember, protecting the account balance is the
No. 1 Rule for The K2WG Trading Team, profit is
Rule No. 2. Therefore, loosing 8 out of 10 trades could potentially result in a total account loss, however due to
our methodology and risk management; the result was
a slight drop.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week!
K2WG Support Team.



I hope you've received my emails about our new passive
forex trading opportunity, K2 Wealth Global. As I learn
more and fine-tune my understanding, I'll be sharing the
info with you.

One thing that has been asked by most people, is
why, if this is a f.ree opportunity, are we being presented
with the Founders Pack that costs $999?

First, this is an optional thing, but actually is a really
great time-limited bonus offer, offered only until the
end of the year.

It's really only for those who think they will be adding
more funds to their initial new account and who want
to earn more than the 60/40 split.

The Founders Pack gives you several advantages:

1. a 70/30 split for two years
2. no Trading Assistant monthly fees for two years
3. participation in the Leaders Pool, a 1% profit sharing
offered by the company, paid out either monthly or
quarterly (not sure yet)

If you join and fund your new MT4 broker account now
with the minimum ($500 for USA, $200 for Int'l), you'll
have the next 6 weeks to see if you like this new
trading venture.

If you do like it and you have the $999 to buy the optional
Founders Package, you have until Dec 31st to buy it.

Until the end of November, we all will be keeping all of
our trading profits with no split.

And next year, at some point, for traders hooked up to
the master traders, they'll be charging a small monthly
fee of $25/mo, for the Trade Assistant (TA), (the MAM
software), UNLESS you've purchased the Founders
Pack, in which case you don't get charged the TA fee
for a full two years. I don't have any more info about
this at this time, but if one of your referrals buys the
Founders Pack before the end of the year, you'll receive
a $50 commission.

All affiliates will be issued a TruCash debit card, which
will be FedX'd or DHL'd to wherever you live, so you
can access your affiliate commissions via ATM or you
can use it to buy things.

Next, until our back office is fully functional, at this point,
we need to email K2 support our MT4 account number,
the login password, and the size of our account, so the
MAM Trade Assistant software can place trades using
the correct lot size for our account balance.

Send this info to:

Soon, sometime this month, our back office will have a
place to manually input this info so that our MT4 will
automatically be connected to the MAM Trade Assistant
software and our account will immediately start to
receive new trades as they are placed by the master

Today I have two new videos about K2 Wealth Global,
our new passive forex trading opportunity:

8 min:

and an interview with the top K2 master affiliate in

47 min:

Just to clarify the business model of K2, this is not
MLM, but it is networking. We aren't selling anything,
there are no required purchases to be able to receive
commissions, but it is a profit-sharing business model.

The ECN brokers that K2 uses, all make their money
off the trading volume and it doesn't matter if the
clients win or lose a trade... it's the trading volume
they want. So the brokers don't play games against
the traders, they don't need to.

The company K2 Wealth Global, is the master
Introducing Broker (IB) for the affiliated brokers, and
they are allowing us to become sub-introducing brokers
under them, and that's how we earn our commissions,
which are based on the trading volume of our own trades
plus all the trades 6 more levels under us.

So the more money everyone funds their accounts
with, the bigger the lot sizes, the faster our accounts
grow because our lot sizes will automatically increase
as our account grows... and the more commissions
we all make on the trading volume.

This company is providing us with many ways to make
money: our own trading accounts that will keep
growing, the IB commissions we receive on the growing
trading volume, and the various possible leadership
pools of shared profits. I think the leadership pool
in the Founders Pack will be the most lucrative and
is the main long term reason you should buy it.

Join me here:

That's all for now Friend, if you have any questions
please hit 'reply' to this email.

Best Regards, Cynthia

PS. If you're no longer interested in this opportunity,
please un-subscribe by using the link below... no hard
feelings, this may not be for everyone!