Subject: How to succed in life and business NOW.

Learn what is possible... even in the current circumstances!

My friends and colleagues, Iman and Afrin Khan, have modeled for me what it means to succeed in ANY circumstance.

They built their business in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, while locked out of their flooded home. They went from barely breaking even to a seven-figure business fast.

They have gone on to help hundreds of other leaders and influencers such as Deepak Chopra, Steve Olsher, Kim Butler, and yours truly.

(Here we are at their Stand Out and Thrive event in 2019...)
Today, they have a vibrant community of business leaders and change makers. And together, we are giving away our best ideas and resources to help you thrive in today's world and economy.

It's called the Impact Giveaway, and you can access it right here.

I am thrilled to participate and
have been posting about the Giveaway online. I'm taking advantage of many of the tips, scripts, templates and other resources, too!

And now that it is underway, I have to admit...

I’m completely blown away.

You don't "just" get free access to more than 40 experts and their resources to help you:
  • "pivot" your business
  • make more money
  • stay powerful, resilient and healthy
  • expand your impact and influence online
  • and succeed right now in the coronavirus world...
You also get access to a private Facebook group with the 40+ contributors inside a community of like-minded entrepreneurs all navigating this new normal together.

This week, over 1600 people from 30 countries participated in the Impact Giveaway!

The theme was Business Development week, and 15 short interviews were conducted on marketing, sales, messaging, branding and events & retreats. (Yes, the replays are all online!)

This coming week, the focus shifts to the personal: mindset, money, health and wellness, relationships and spirituality. The following week, the focus is expanding your impact and influence!

I'll be interviewed Wednesday at noon to discuss "Abundance in ANY Circumstance"—how to empower yourself and create prosperity even in the midst of big challenges. 

"Abundance in ANY Circumstance" is also the title of a brand new video course I created for the giveaway! It's available through the Impact Giveaway now :-)

Abundance awaits,
Total Wealth

P.S. In the "Abundance in Any Circumstance" course, I reveal 12 Essential Truths to creating Prosperity now. This is brand new content I'm excited to share with you!

When you sign up through the Impact Giveaway, you'll receive one 10-12 minute video each day walking you through these essential shifts that can make ALL the difference!
Total Wealth, P.O. Box 1450, Duvall, WA 98019, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.