Subject: Dive in with Both Feet😳

Dive in with Both Feet😳

September 11th, 2019 at 6:28 pm EDT

I don’t know about you friend, but all my life I’ve been told to play it safe. I wanted to join the Navy straight outta high school. Mom talked me into going to college. All it did was cost me 5,000 in loans. I quickly left and joined the Navy an ...

Too Old and Too Many Failures 🙃

September 11th, 2019 at 9:04 am EDT

Dennis Rodman was 26 his first year in the NBA. Spent two years after high school spinning his wheels. Tony Resonno failed twice at starting businesses before he pulled it together with his online business. I'm 40. If you failed in the past don't wor ...

15 and 7 Save Lives

September 10th, 2019 at 7:21 pm EDT

15/7 Save Lives I've driven over 100,000 miles for 15 years. 15 seconds of eye lead time and 7 seconds of space between you and the car in front of you. It can save you from having to slam on your br ...

Why Saturday's are Overrated🤔

September 7th, 2019 at 11:24 am EDT

SATURDAY'S (THUMBS DOWN FOR ME) Most of you work all week. Look forward to Saturday...Then you wanna go to the movies, out to eat, go to top golf...You know whats the problem? It's overcrowded. You s ...

How to Start a Online Business

September 6th, 2019 at 7:00 pm EDT

HOW TO START A ONLINE BUSINESS Let's start off by saying who hasn't looked into starting a business. I have plenty of times and I know you have too. What stops us though? Me money and lack o ...

Omar Comin and bringing his marketing genius😉

September 6th, 2019 at 2:15 pm EDT

Hey YO!!!! First if you never watched the Wire you are missing out. Now lets get on with it. Whenever you watched Omar walked down the street, you knew it was going to be trouble. I mean the guy walked around with a shotgun. But if you peel back the ...

Are you Scared of Change😳

September 5th, 2019 at 2:03 pm EDT

Rafiki: Ahhhh change is good Simba: Yeah but its not easy Have you ever thought about making a life change, career change, or relationship change? ...

Can Your Job Make YOU wealthy?(open and find out🤑)

September 3rd, 2019 at 10:53 am EDT


Should you start a business in a Recession?

September 2nd, 2019 at 10:45 am EDT

Every few years or so, we go through a recession. People lose jobs, lose possessions and things seem bleak. Are you prepared for that? Will you lose your job? They say the best time to start a business is during a recession. Why? I guess you have no ...

Do You Open Emails on Saturday?

August 31st, 2019 at 2:11 pm EDT

NO LINKS FOR SATURDAY It's Saturday..What do you have planned? My wife wants me to fix things. Who am I? Tim the Tool Man Taylor I supposed. I'm going to act like I'm at home depot but Imma just be a ...