Subject: What's Broken? Your Spirit or Your Body😥

What's Broken? Your Spirit or Your Body😥

July 15th, 2020 at 8:44 pm EDT

I was wondering what would be broke first. Your wallet or your spirit. Bane didn't lay it out to The Dark Knight like that but if you watched Dark Knight Rises, you get it. Bane caught a weak, vulnerable, and unprepared Batman in their first enco ...

Motivation for the Weak

July 13th, 2020 at 5:01 pm EDT

There's a hero in all of us. Aunt May dropping knowledge to Peter Parker. You are a hero, maybe it hasn't hit you yet. Ever tried to start an online business and fell on your ass. I have, it wasn't fun. Fall down 7, get up 8. If you ever trie ...

Mr.Magoo talks to a wall

July 3rd, 2020 at 3:00 pm EDT

Mr. Magoo bumps into the wall, here's the conversation Magoo: Excuse you, hey, I've been calling. I want to discuss an opportunity that you called me about Wall: Magoo: Don't you have any manners Wall: Magoo: The silent type, eh, anyway, I keep ...

Opt In Rates are the loaded diaper of marketing

July 3rd, 2020 at 8:18 am EDT

Starting an online business is simple to do. It's so easy a caveman can do it. Once you get started, though, the path to riches is litter with trolls, wannabes, and charlatans giving advice. A story people will sell you on is opt-in rates. Must h ...

Piss or Get Off

July 2nd, 2020 at 8:30 pm EDT

These emails are coming in faster than a weak bladder person running to the rest area. When sending emails you want to evoke something. A reaction whether good or bad. The end goal is to get you to do something. Watch a video, check out an affilia ...

The Voice had spunk.....What about YOU??

July 2nd, 2020 at 7:15 am EDT

Frank Sinatra was down on his luck. After a successful movie Anchors A. Way he was flying quite high. Then like a new marketer who made their first sale. He got carried away. Old Blue Eyes thought a lot of himself. Then a couple flops, records not s ...

Jesus rose, but will Friend

July 1st, 2020 at 8:53 pm EDT

Alright, you think you can do this to me? You think you can disappear on me? You will be reading these emails in Pelican Bay when I get through with you. Jesus rose on the third day, let's see if you will by the third email. My name is Tony Res ...