Subject: The Million Dollar Man🤑

The Million Dollar Man🤑

October 4th, 2019 at 7:18 am EDT

First Who is your Favorite Million Dollar Man? Mine is Ted DiBiase..The laugh and a great quote....Everybody has a price. He was a wrestler for those who don't know. Now lets get to it. Did you know you can make a million dollars promoting digital c ...

Busted with Your Pants Down

October 3rd, 2019 at 7:00 am EDT

Today I'm going to give you two reasons you should start a business online and generate extra income. 1. You don't wanna get caught with your pants downListen, economy goes bad and you lose your job. What if you have no savings? You just rely on tha ...

Friend let's take action

September 26th, 2019 at 9:00 pm EDT

ACTION ACTION ACTION!!!!!!!!! Alright this is the last of 3 emails today. So this is going to be short. Check out legendary. Stop tire thumping and take action. I know you wanna start an online busin ...

833 miles of Fun Fun Fun

September 26th, 2019 at 7:15 pm EDT

ROAD TRIP TO NEW JERSEY Ladies and Gents, Tonight...I'm embarking on a 833 miles journey from Atlanta to New Jersey. Wife, Mother In Law and I are going to visit family. 833 miles is a lot of time to ...

Why We all need a website

September 26th, 2019 at 5:25 pm EDT

WHY YOU SHOULD CREATE YOUR OWN WEBSITE Last week, YouTube unverified quite a few channels from people that have a big following. Sometimes when you are doing facebook ads they can just shut down your page just becau ...

Avoid the Barney Fife plague

September 25th, 2019 at 3:00 pm EDT

Here comes good ol bumbling and stumbling Bernard P. Fife aka Deputy Barney Fife of Mayberry. Whenever Barney was supposed to take action and whip his gun out. It never quite worked out. Shoot at the ground, in the air, or the gun breaking. Barney ne ...

#1 Reason YOU can Achieve

September 25th, 2019 at 10:19 am EDT

TOP REASON YOU WILL ACHIEVE Hello, How's it hanging today? Listen there is one MAIN reason you will achieve whatever you want to do. It's called belief. Yep. thats it. Alright I'll talk you later. N ...

I fell on my Ass🤕

September 23rd, 2019 at 4:48 pm EDT

When I was in the Navy, I went to bootcamp around the Chicago area. I went in the winter time. 3 days after New Year's. Ice, snow, windy and just freezing. One day it was -40 with the wind chill. Yikes!!! So we was marching and marching. BOOM!!!!! I ...

Step by Step to becoming a Super Affiliate

September 22nd, 2019 at 12:52 pm EDT

If you spent 100 days and focused on yourself could you do it? Well thats the question I have today because if you can just maybe you could become a super affiliate with Click Funnels. ...

Will The Irishman live up to the hype🤔

September 20th, 2019 at 8:50 am EDT

HAS A HYPED UP PRODUCT LET YOU DOWN? Movies are something I enjoy. So when I saw Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Martin Scorsese teaming up to make a movie called The Irishman. I got excited. I watched th ...