Subject: Will the The Great Gazoo grant you more than one great idea?

My favorite candy is the Jelly-Belly. Butter popcorn, please. I was excited to watch a documentary bout the man who created them, David Klein.

The movie is called "Candyman". He got it rocking and rolling. Then he hooked up with a candy manufacturing group. Seems like a good idea. Sometimes lack of capital is a tough cookie to crack.

Four years later he sold the Trademark for 5 million dollars. He was to receive 100,000 yearly for 20 years. Fast forward the company is valued at 200-300 million.

Mr. Klein might have seller's remorse, He claimed he would come up with another big-time idea. They say people that use heroin become addicted because they keep chasing that first time high. Then after a while, they just use it so they won't get sick. Klein became an invention junkie. Chasing and chasing. He made things but nothing was more profitable like Jelly Belly.

If he would've had a genie like The Great Gazoo maybe he would've came up with more million dollar ideas but no.

Never leave a hot hand in Vegas, never stop shooting jumpers if you made 5 in a row.

What if you was making $5000 a month after learning from Legendary? 10 months later you going to say well that's it. I can do other things now. NO. You learn and apply. Make that 5000 into 50,000 a month. Don't Klein yourself.

Build up a pipeline full of customers, hang back and watch the money roll in. Now if you take the first step into an online business. Click the link below.

Tony Resonno