Subject: Why you don't need fb to become an Online Giant

I was in an MLM program once. They gave me all the bad advice. After an hour of them spewing every typical idea on how to make money. I felt like John McClane in Die Hard. I had a bad f@****g headache the rest of the day.

1. Write down 100 people you know

2. Read think and grow rich

3. Listen to motivational tapes

4.Join 1000 FB groups

5.Turn your FB page into a business page

6. Hustle like Gary Vee

All typical and terrible ideas. Especially the Facebook part. People who treat FB like its the only way to riches are foolish.

What happens when they say we are done with people promoting anything. If you are 100 percent reliant on Zuck and the Gang then you will be up shieeeeets creek with no paddle.

Luckily for you, I know how you can learn this and more. Dave is showing you how to grow a business with or without Facebook. Take it from me, kid, you are better without Facebook.

Find out how to make an obscene amount of money by clicking below.

Yippie Kay you know the rest

Tony Resonno