Subject: Why you can't make it online

Starting an online business is easy!!

You don't need money to get started!!

Get on youtube and boom 400,000 followers in a few months and watch the money flow.

These are the pitfalls of online marketing. That's why you and so many like you won't make it.

You get frustrated at work. Get on youtube and see a person with 500,000 followers telling you to get started online it's easy. IF I CAN DO IT YOU CAN DO IT. Then they offer you a course for 397. You get your motor all revved up. After a week you still haven't made a dime. The marketer says take this advance course you will learn more and earn more. The second week still no money. Frustration kicks in and ya quit. Congrats you are in the 99 percent of people that start online.

What people fail to realize is can you make money online. Yes. Will you make money the first day? Probably not. The first thing you want to do is figure out a game plan.
In the next step, you realize that the person with 50k-100k followers has built a following. You are starting from scratch so it might take time.

Most people come in full of piss and vinegar when starting an online business. Sounds easy, looks easy and you hear it's easy. It gets easier when you stick with it.

Question now is will you be the 99 percent range quitting after a month or will you join me in the 1 percent who take this seriously.

I know you are serious so here's an offer to join a company that wants to help grow your online business. Legendary Marketer is their name and getting you up and running is their game. Click the link and get started with the online business builder challenge. Thank me later.

Tony Resonno