Subject: What to do when you get crappy gifts😡

Yesterday, my Beautiful Wife came home from work. Her employees wanted to
exchanges gifts. White elephant was the game. After they all got done she
shows me what she got.

A betta fish. What?!?! That's a gift. I told her she should retire from
white elephant. She got a crappy gift last year playing the same game. SMH.

We named the fish after the person who gave it to her. So Mr. Betta is
affecionaly known as Jack. Last name Ass. What do you do with a terrible

Regift, throw it away, or just leave it with the person. It's tough, I
guess just depends on the mood. Email me what would you do.

Now what does that have to do with you and online marketing. Well quite a
bit actually. One bad thing about online marketing is their is a lot of
crappy gurus and gifts that they might offer you. Getting out of date
information from a "expert" doesn't do anything but set you back.

Online education is booming. Digital courses are becoming the norm. If you
wanna make it long term in starting an online business you def gotta avoid
crappy advice, out of date information and false claims by so called

If you wanna learn how to start an online business check out my #1
recommondation. They will work with you, coach you and show you various
ways to achieve the goals you seek. No crappy gifts here. I'll leave the
link below. Talk to you later.

Tony Resonno