Subject: Walking out of the comfort zone

About 4 months ago I decided to crank up my online business. I knew I needed to create a
a platform so I can develop an audience.

So I started a podcast. I went through these thoughts.

1. Who wants to hear from me?
2.What will I talk about?
3. How long will I keep it up.
4.Will it be a success?

1. There is always somebody willing to listen to you. If you build it they will come. Don't think you can't get an audience. It will take time but keep going.

2. I discovered talking about things I like or things that happen to me work. We all have life
experiences we can draw from.

3. Grab a notepad. Jot ideas and thoughts down daily. Your content will never run low. w

4. Success is starting. Success is maintaining. You might not get a 1,000,000 followers out the gate but as they say. Being in the game is better than standing on the sidelines.

This email isn't for me to pat myself on the back. It's merely to point out that if I can create something I know you can as well.

I'm coming up on my 100th episode. People download the podcast daily. I told myself daily episodes for the next 365 days. 25 percent of the way there.

Establishing an audience will help your online business even more. Think about it.

If you want to be inspired to establish your voice. Check out the podcast. It's called for now The Affiliate Party. Click on the link below. You can also find it on Spotify, apple or wherever you listen to podcast. Talk to you soon.

Tony Podcasting Resonno