Subject: Vic Value drops a gold nugget

I got a friend, and his name is Vic Value. He loves to talk. If Vic were a
superhero, his power would be handing out 1,000,000 dollar advice for
almost free. I spent my holiday weekend conversing with Vic.

Can I share one nugget Vic shared with me? I'm going to share it with you.

Vic said, and I quote, "Don't go around keeping all your thoughts and ideas
in your mind," Keep a notepad or a little book so you can jot things down.

Ahhhhh, Vic, that's a good one.

Now you might be thinking I know that already, but the question is, are you
applying it?

If you aren't applying what you know, then it's rather pointless, eh.

I'll tell you why I'm telling you this today. This weekend I spent taking
notes about my business. One of the main things that were rattling in my
mind was copywriting.

Yes copywriting. Lots of people in the online space will tell you traffic
is the key, but if you don't know how to write good copy, then a hundred
thousand people can see your offer and still say no.

Good copy can get a person from being indecisive to deciding on your
product and taking action.

David Ogilvy was an excellent copywriter in his day. I just read his book a
couple of weeks ago. A good book about copywriting from back in the day. Lots of the techniques from then to now haven't changed that much.

Online copywriting has changed in the last few years. All the hyphy claims, sitting in a Lambo and making money claims, are all about over.

People aren't falling for b.s. Anymore.

Smoking in restaurants, wearing blackface and flashing cash in facebook ads. What do those 3 have in common? All shouldn't be happening in 2019.

Copywriting is one of quite a few aspects you will learn when you get started in any business. Listen, if you want to learn this and more things, check out my #1 recommendation. I hope this helps. Until next time. Take care

Tony Resonno