Subject: The headless horseman wants to ride solo

Long ago before Covid, Trump and tik tok dances were in the news. I used to train truck drivers. I was an over the road truck driver for many years.

I had the pleasure of training a real gem once. He had a thousand questions. Here was his first question. The name has been changed to protect the character.

J: Hey man, I've got two months' experience. Why do I have to ride around with you?

Me: I don't know. They assign someone and I train them. I don't ask much after that.

J: This is going to be a waste of time. I've got too much experience already.

Me: Training should go smoothly for you then.

3 weeks later this guy was a so-so driver. Got nervous when people watched him back the truck. He was ready to be on his own though. After we got done with training he quit a couple of weeks after that.

The Headless Horseman needed more training than he thought. Then it wasn't coming to him as easy as he thought. He threw in the towel.

Life ain't easy. Just because you had a couple of practice swings doesn't make you ready for the major leagues. He didn't take the training, coaching, or lessons seriously.

Don't fall into the same trap as my friend J. I know making money online seems easy as 1-2-3 but there are always things to learn. People you could be learning them from.

That's why I recommend Legendary Marketer. The coaches here will give you lessons, advice, and training. All you have to do is soak it in. Even if you made a few dollars online, more coaching never hurts. Don't get too big for your britches. The daily 10 am call is worth being a member.

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Tony Resonno