Subject: The freebie seeker gets a wish

Most people who claim they want to make money online are addicted to everything free.
Free course
Free Ebook
Free tips

So on and so on. They never make any money but they are zombies. Just floating around the net searching and munching on free.

Many of you on my email list are freebie zombies. I’m going to ramp up my email correspondence to shake you out of my tree. But for now Zombie I will give you something for free today. A small treat.

I’m giving you the link to my podcast. Download it and everyday for no cost. It’s free you can listen to me talk about internet marketing. You might even learn something...and you don’t have to pay.

Download now we are 113 episodes in so go back listen or start with today’s episode. They come out daily and you don’t have to pay. Take advantage. That’s it for today. Check out the universally loved award winning podcast for yourself.

Tony Resonno