Subject: The Voice had spunk.....What about YOU??

Frank Sinatra was down on his luck. After a successful movie Anchors A. Way he was flying quite high. Then like a new marketer who made their first sale. He got carried away.

Old Blue Eyes thought a lot of himself. Then a couple flops, records not selling, and a torrid affair while he was married. Almost crippled the Guy.

Early 1950's he was scratching and clawing just to stay relevant in Hollywood.

Most of us would've high tailed it back home.

Frank fought for a part in a movie. He convinced himself he was perfect for the role.
That's cool, but he had to sell himself to the movie studio, they had the upper hand.
So convinced this part was right for him, he told the studio he would pretty much work for free. Wallowing in so much debt, the money he got for the money was barely covering his daily expenses.

Believing in yourself can take you soaring to the moon. What about you? Confident in changing, or are you going to stick to the norm for 80 years.

There is money to be made opps, mlm, affiliate marketing, copywriting.

Some of you reading this will try one go hard for a week then disappear.

Some will clam everything is a scam.

Some will start gaining traction, then a bump will hit and will turn around.

Some will climb that mountain and stay up there.

If you are the first two unsubscribe, I want to talk to dreamers that take action and start winning.

Ol Blue Eyes had a fight or flight situation. He fought. That movie he practically begged fo
He won an Oscar, and his career was back on track.

Will this be you? More of me subscribe to the youtube channel.

Tony Resonno