Subject: The Struggles of Affiliate Marketing

Babies struggle to walk. They take a couple of steps, fall, cry, but they
get up.

Keep going until they get it right. That's affiliate marketing in a

Get into an affiliate program, take a step, and bam no traffic zero cash.

People opt-in your email, then two months of emailing still little to no

Unfortunately, Adults are the complete opposite of babies. After the first
fall of affiliate marketing, people throw in the towel.

I'll go over a couple of struggles in becoming a great affiliate marketing.

Struggle One: First Floor Elevator is Packed(People Telling YOU it's
You decided to become an affiliate marketer, come in Friend, and it's quite
crowded at the bottom. Everybody has told somebody, hey, I'm going to make
money online. Three Days later, they have already thrown in the towel.

If you listen to people, they will tell you affiliate marketing is saturated,
but that's not true. It's full of wannabe marketers, but it's plenty of
room if you stand out, do some branding, and become consistent producing

Struggle Two: Driving on Empty Roads aka No Traffic
Traffic is a must in affiliate marketing, but in the beginning, it's hard to find some. You have to create your traffic source and be patient. I use my website and youtube as organic traffic sources. I don't get as much traffic as I like, but over the last couple of months, I pump out more content.

These are just a couple of things that can trip you up on your goals. In my opinion, that you aren't looking for, if you stick with your plan, affiliate marketing can work for you. The business you create will flourish.

If you want to learn more about getting started in the affiliate marketing, I know a program that can show you the ropes. With two FB groups and plenty of free training, If you want to learn more, check out the link.

Tony Resonno