Subject: The Notebook of Success

The Notebook was a good movie. Basically, it's about two people who fell in love then were split up due to several reasons: class, location, and time.

Seven years later, they meet up again. That spark is still there. Eventually, they marry, have kids, and live happily ever after.

The Notebook tells us something that we all have been through. When you get a bug for something, does it really go away?

How long you've been thinking about working from home or being your own boss. Come on, and the itch is there. That's why you are on this email list.

You are an opportunity seeker who is on the fence.

2020 has shown me that tomorrow isn't promised. I've lost two close family members, Covid has become the house guest that won't leave, and Kobe died in a tragic helicopter accident.

I could go on about the job market, lousy president, and other things, but I'll save that for the next email Verne.

Don't be Allie and Noah. Get started with your dreams today. Learn how to start a multi-million dollar business online. I have the link waiting for you below. Thank me later.

Tony Resonno