Subject: The Feds are screwing us

"Tony, if that gah damn government wasn't in the way, I'd be rich."

They must hate flat head people I guess.

I got a phone call this morning from a guy. He was bitching about life, taxes and everything
else on earth.

This enlightening lad is the same person who told me 15 years ago about getting into real Estate. He bought a package from the great Carlton Sheets. You might remember him. Sheets was doing infomercials telling people how you can get rich with little to no money in the real estate market.

The Carlton Sheets student, we will call him Johnny. Johnny bought it, study it. I walked me around a small town in Missouri one night, blabbing on and on about how rich WE were about to get. I just lost my job so; I was ready to send an African Prince 20 dollars for a million at that point.

Johnny took me with him to a meeting with a real estate fellow. Ok, I thought. Johnny ain't flocking around. Real Estate takes him to a property, lovely looking apartment complex. Johnny has the real estate jargon down pat. I'm impressed, Real Estate Guy is impressed, and Johnny is grinning like a couple on their wedding night.

Two weeks later, "Hey, what's up with that apartment complex."

Johnny: I'm going to buy myself a house first, then I'll get into all that.

"I knew you weren't going to make a move."

Johnny: You will see. In due time

2020 My boy Johnny still in his same apartment. No house buying no real estate. Now he's blaming the feds for his money problems. Unreal. Johnny is like most people. He will tell you an idea, then you ask about it—still just a thought. Without action, you just pipe dreaming.

If you want to get started and gain traction in online marketing, I have a program for you. 6 weeks in and they have made people 60,000 dollars. Great for people who admittedly have had zero to little success online. No selling, telling. Check out the link and see for yourself. Don't Johnny yourself forever.

Tony Resonno