Subject: Sideshow Bob fights Screech for the TV Title

You ever wonder why some people won't go away. Who's the most annoying person you know? Co-worker, Sibling, Neighbor.

Two people that seem to pop up every 5 years. Dustin Diamond and Sideshow Bob.

Sideshow Bob, many of you know, was Krusty's sidekick for many years. Bob was above being the second banana. Eventually, he tried to frame Krusty. Bart Simpson stepped in, ruined Krusty's diabolical plan. Since then, he's been a constant thorn in Bart's life, popping now and then with a new plan.

Dustin Diamond played the young geeky Samuel Screech Powers in Save by the Bell. Dustin is only one of two characters that were in every entity of the show from 1987-2000. Then he started popping up like a weed every couple of years. Being a jerk on VH1 shows, writing terrible books, and making porn.

Who would win this battle of annoyance? Both Dustin and Bob have this in common. Money issues. Sideshow always needs a good lawyer when his plans of destruction fail. Dustin was cash-strapped and trying to sell t-shirts for awhile.

How would you like to avoid this problem? Then get started with Legendary. They can't coach you on being less annoying, but they can show you how to avoid the money pitfall. Click on the link below and sign up today.

Tony Resonno