Subject: Share Shipmate

Hello Everybody...How are you feeling today? Yesterday I sent a email today
I'm back. I'm writing while I wait on my wife. It's her birthday. We have
birthday's 4 days apart. Yesterday I just introduce myself. Today I'd like to share something
with you. So of course if you opted in to the ad I had, you must be looking
at a change in life, maybe a career change or just a lifestyle change.
Don't worry we are in the same boat. Alright story time...

I was in the Navy way back. Late 90's until the early 2000's. I was in San Diego.
Beautiful place. If you never been I'd say you should go visit, Anyway...anytime somebody would find a good place to go
we'd say share the info SHIPMATE...Monday I spent all day with my two closet friends
from the Navy days so I was sitting here and it made me think of that.
I've found something awesome online and I like to share it with you. I won't
get into it today but in the next few emails I can go more into detail.

Well, My wife is staring at me. I guess she is done.

Captain Friend,

Permission to go ashore..

Thanks for your time today(no navy references in the next email)

Tony Resonno