Subject: Ready Aim Fire Top Gun

We could've had him...Hey man, we could've had him.

L will fire when I am goddamn good and ready. You got that?

Maverick to Sundown-Top Gun(1986)

After Goose died, Maverick, the risk-taker, high flying, the young, cocky, and brash pilot, was scared to pull the trigger. He blamed himself for Goose's death. They kept putting Maverick in the air but no action. Finally, when they were in grave danger, backs against the wall, and it got real, Maverick stepped up and became a hero.

Maybe you tried to start a business before, failed, and don't wanna get back in the cockpit. What is your worry? What happens the first time?

I heard a tape once it said fail early fail often. Now I can't subscribe to that, but Failure shouldn't slow you down on the next venture. A lot of things go into failing into a business.

1.Lack of Vision
2. Not fully Committed
3. No Game Plan
4. Lack of Knowledge
5. Not enough capital

Those are just a few things, but it doesn't have to be that way this time. The thing about starting an online business is you don't need a million dollars. There's no rent to pay, so if you stumble the first couple of months, it's okay.

Taking the lessons in that and apply them to the new venture. Your online business. Failure doesn't mean the end. Life's a journey. Get in the cockpit with Legendary. Let them be your co-pilot while you fly in the sky. Click the link below and get started.

Tony Resonno