Subject: Opt In Rates are the loaded diaper of marketing

Starting an online business is simple to do.

It's so easy a caveman can do it. Once you get started, though, the path to riches is litter with trolls, wannabes, and charlatans giving advice.

A story people will sell you on is opt-in rates. Must have people reading your emails.


If people are reading emails and not buying anything, you are still not making any dough.

We are all in the making money business. I was getting 30-40 percent open rates, but little to zero would click on the link.

The needle had no wind movement.

Which is why opt-in rates are the used diapers of marketing.

Sales are the fresh babies of marketing.

So don't let any schmuck steer you down the wrong way.

You need more advice, so go to the youtube channel and subscribe.

Tony Resonno