Subject: Mr.Magoo talks to a wall

Mr. Magoo bumps into the wall, here's the conversation

Magoo: Excuse you, hey, I've been calling. I want to discuss an opportunity that you called me about


Magoo: Don't you have any manners


Magoo: The silent type, eh, anyway, I keep sending emails. I thought you were ill.


Magoo: You got me out here so you can flake on me


Magoo: Did you even read what I've been sending you


Magoo: Look here see, don't bother me again


Magoo: What a rude S.O.B


Magoo, All of us in online marketing know this feeling. Practice, practice, and more practice the opting in and disappearing will stop.

When you first jump into online marketing, you will take anybody on your email list. Then after while you figure out, 50 percent of the people are value junkies, one week in every biz opp types. Those are the ones you don't want. Aim your sights on people that will interact, click on links, and make sales. Check out the youtube channel for me info.

Tony Resonno