Subject: Krispy Kringle hands out money...Will you Accept it?

I was hanging out last night. You ain't going to believe who I bumped into. That's right. He said the name was Krispy Kringle.

I said don't you mean "Kris". He said, oh, I just had a dozen donuts from there, so he wanted to show them some love.

Being it's only Dec 4th, I asked Krispy, what are you doing out so early. Shouldn't you be in the North Pole preparing things for the big day. He told me, "Tony, we weren't able to take our annual Florida vacation, so we were done with the big day before Thanksgiving. Covid got you too, eh. Krisp shook his head.

Then he told me the real reason he was out and about. He said, Tony, I wanted to talk to you about what you are offering people. I said, Saint Nick, all I'm offering is two-week trials of a program that can generate people money. Nobody wants to hear about that during the holidays.

He said, "Are you kidding me?" People love making money 3-6-5-2-4-7. He said are you giving out the message enough? I said probably not as much as I should. Then he said oh, know, WE gotta spread the word then. People must know about this awesome program.

I asked what I should do. He said, leave it up to me. He whistled, then out of the sky, the reindeer come flying in. Tony, you go back to sleep, I'll go around handing out the link, and I'll make sure they take the trail cause why be naughty. Free trials, earning money sounds nice.

Good luck, Kris.

Bonjour Tony.

Santa is out spreading the word, so I gotta do my part. If you ever thought about getting into online marketing, digital marketing, affiliate marketing, or whatever else hip online name you can think of, here is the place to start. I'll give you a few reasons why you should take the trial.

1. Opportunity to generate money
2. Free Two Week Trial(NO credit card required)
3. Low Price Entry(cause it's free to start)
4. They have an app so you can work from your phone
5. Free Training
6. Facebook Groups where your questions can be asked and answered promptly
7. You have nothing to lose

Alright, get started today. After you sign up for the free trial, download the app.

Here's the link to get started.

Tony Resonno