Subject: Ever think you will be self employed?

Co-Worker: You ever think about starting your own shit

Me: Of course. Million of things run through my mind, though. I don't know where to start.

Co-Worker: Shit, at least you have some thoughts. You are ahead of most.

Me: You think so? I don't know. Thoughts and no plans ain't bringing me money.

Co-Worker: One day, you will figure it out. I'll tell you though, don't stay here forever.

That was a lunch conversation I had with a coworker working at a warehouse back in the day. Packing beans was the job. Making money but not enough to buy a mansion on the hill. One thing I learned about working jobs. They pay the cover basics but won't put millions in the bank.

Starting a business can add a stream of income to your life. Get started today with Legendary. They will show you how to put hundreds, maybe thousands, into your pocket. Click the link and get started today.

Tony Resonno