Subject: Dive in with Both Feet😳

I don’t know about you friend, but all my life I’ve been told to play it safe. I wanted to join the Navy straight outta high school. Mom talked me into going to college. All it did was cost me 5,000 in loans. I quickly left and joined the Navy anyway. When I signed up at least 10 people said You joining the Navy? I was a quiet 140 pound Kid. Even a girl I liked after she found out I joined told somebody, “I’m scared for him.”
Taking a leap sometimes is the best thing you can do. Don’t overthink it. Jump. Both feet, head first or whatever you wanna do. When I was in the Navy I was in San Diego going to a A-School. I’ve never been to 32nd street. Thats where all the boats are located. A guy in my class had been in for years. He been on boats and all that. Salty Sea Dog. He was headed over there so he asked did I wanna go. I said sure why not. I was curious to see my future home. We went to the base over there. Finally we stopped and got a bite to eat. I walked past a Hot Dog on a Stick. There was a Beautiful Young Lady working there. I was quite smitten but we had to get going so I didn’t get to give my rap. So for the next month I kept thinking about this young Lady.

Ok. Here’s the problem. I lived FAR from 32nd street. A bus then a LONG trolley ride then a walk just to see if I can get a phone number. I had a short discussion with myself(Come on who doesn’t talk to themselves). Then I said Let’s Do This. Caught the bus in Rosecrans, caught the trolley(Blue Line Shout Out). I was wearing my best shirt…Blue and White checkered shirt, my Levi jeans, and my white reeboks. I was thinking who wouldn’t give me their number. I get off on the stop and I glide to the Hot Dog on a Stick station. HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!

I order my food, tell a joke, she’s laughing. I’m thinking ok now let me lay it on. As I open my mouth to ask her does she have a boyfriend or if she wants to go out. Strange thing happen. When I was a young child I use to stutter. It had been a really long time since I’ve done that. Damn Kid you picked a good time to bring that back in the bag. I was on the do you hhhhhhhhh for what seem like 10 mins. She was so sweet. She said ahhhhhhhhhh. After the ahhhhhhh I got out all my verbage. So do you have a boyfriend? She raised up her hand and said I just got engaged 3 days ago. Well the lemonade was worth the trip. I went to the movies after that. She did say I was really sweet.
I could’ve stayed where I was at. Not taking the trip but I like taking a good leap. Go for it. This is just a small example but sometimes dive in and start swimming. You never know where you could end up. Hope this helps. Peace

Tony Resonno
, 4487 Glenforest Dr Ne, 30075, Roswell, United States
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