Subject: Cruising down Value Street

Learning to be learning when running an online business will get you out of business fast.

Learning then applying is something you should be doing. I got started. I screwed myself up.

First, I heard about affiliate marketing, e-commerce, coaching. My hair was on fire—6 months into it. I've got a wealth of knowledge, zero leads, and money was not knocking on the door.

I listened to a podcast by Pat Flynn, where he started learning and applying was doing him wonders. I thought I need this approach. It helped me out quite a bit.

One more Captain Obvious nugget was creating content. The more you create....duh, the more people will eventually find you. I have a youtube channel that I didn't touch in 3 months, but I got quite a few views in 90 days. You want to find an organic place where you build up a pipeline of traffic for your offers.

In a Stephen King book called On Writing, he says in between novels he will pump out short stories to pass the time. Content is King. The more you have of it, the more you can be discovered.

Don't know what to say when thinking about content. Talk about the journey, tell your story. Everything in your life can apply to your business.

Yes, these are statements you've probably heard before, but sometimes you need to listen to them from a new voice. That's it for today. Check out the program where you don't have to sell or tell a soul anything. Just show up daily, and good things will happen.

Tony Resonno