Subject: Chopping trees to success

This morning, I had a germ of an idea in my brain. I was scrambling around for my notebook, where I write my thoughts. I couldn't find it. I was driving, so I didn't want to get that distracted.
The next move grabbed the phone and said the idea in my recorder. Nope phone far away.

What do I do? Ah, got it. I will remember the idea. I only had 90 miles left. My memory is like an elephant's. 45 mins later, Dumbo forgot the idea. I should've just pulled over and grabbed my tree.

There's a lesson in this dry email. Ninety-five percent of the time, I carry a little book where I write my ideas down for podcasts, videos, and emails. Today I PHUCKED UP.

Carry that little pad, voice recorder, or whatever you use EVERYWHERE. Plus, if you aren't jotting ideas down. Start. You will amaze yourself when you start working that thinking memory.

Don't worry about the trees. They are chopping them down to build more roads anyway.

Why do you need ideas? Content Slick. The more content you produce, the bigger audience you will build. Don't worry if you think it's terrible. Just start creating content. Having a plan is good, but without the action, you just have dreams.

You want to get started online, making some cash without needing an audience right away. Check out the Successful Solution Method. A woman made $250.00 in her first 24 hours doing the program. Results vary, of course, but she's new to online marketing. Contact me if you want to join the FB group and click on the link to check out the video.

Tony Resonno