Subject: Can Dreams Come True?

I've driven over 1,000,000 miles. So I've spent a lot of time listening to the radio, singing with the radio, listening to podcast, audiobooks and sports talk radio.

Quite naturally who listen to something you think, You know I can do that. So I wrote down in my mental rolodex. I was going to start a podcast. Finally Dec 2019 shows up I say it's time.

I hook up my stuff record a show. Upload it. did this twice more. Three shows in a month. No listeners. Wait. I think I'd get Howard Stern numbers. What happened? Silly me.

I backslid on the idea.......Until July 1st 2020. I thought I'm going to get this damn podcast off the ground. So put some actual thought into it this time. Told myself every day for the next year we are recording. As you read this I'm in my 3rd month, listeners are coming daily and I'm making a few bucks from it.

What happened at first? Fear kicked my ass. I thought really who wants to hear what I have to say. How do you fight fear back? Take action. Action is the most important thing we can do when starting something new. Everything won't work but just start doing and results will start coming.

Most of us have dreamed of working for ourselves. Being in charge of your own schedule. That's why you should check out Legendary Marketer. They will help you with the mindset and give you the tools to make a profitable business online.

Will you make 100,000 the first day? Probably not but by taking action, you will be ahead of the curve and down the road, that number won't seem impractical. Click on the link for more details. Until next time

Tony"Little Engine"Resonno