Subject: Friend, be the Michael Jordan of online marketing

Michael J Jordan is only the greatest basketball player I've seen. He was
quite the character on and off the court.

Today we will go into 4 things that Mike Mike would do if he was in
affiliate marketing like us.

Ahhhh Mike would wake up thinking how I'm going to get leads, Mike would go
to be thinking how am I going to get leads. He would be obsess about leads,
traffic, marketing and getting his message out to the world. The man was
obsess with the game of basketball so I'd def want him on my side
generating business on all these platforms.

Do you have to obsess? You obsess about something. I believe most people
do. I used to obsess over baseball. 12 year old me know all the stats.Come
on I know its something you get highstrung about. Why not it be ya online
business. I'm becoming more obsess, but it's because I love the everyday
process. Writing emails, trying to figure out how to write ads, and all
that has become fun for me. It will be fun for you too. You could be obsess
with making sure Mrs. Johnson gets the right kitty litter at the pet store
you work at or you could be obsess about your own online business.

2. Determination
Mike wouldn't try affiliate marketing for a week, then quit. NO, He
wouldn't quit until he made it. Affiliate Marketing is a tough business,
might be harder than getting in the nba.

Now you think this guy is crazy, but listen to me. It's only so many people
playing college basketball, 3 percent of them off to the nba. But the
numbers are small.

Any Joe, Jan, Sally, and Tom can say hey I heard a online business is easy,
Imma do that. Then it's a 250,000 of them. Good thing for us is we won't be
the ones to quit.
You, Mike and me have determination.

It's tough at first but kept that beak to the grindstone as they say. You
will make it.

Focus is something that MJ used especially during crunch times of the game.
remember when he put Cleveland out of their misery in game 5 of the nba
Focused got the ball, and focus in the air, here comes the shot. swish with
a capital S
Game Over(Flip Flip Flip).

For us lets focus on one affiliate program at a time. trying to do 3 when
you aren't making money at one is insane. Some people try it. Let's FOCUS
on one program, get good at it and then lets move forward with other
things. Focus on a base first that way you can
get the dreaded I have no money for a budget out of the way. Focus on one
then we can double, triple or the trendy word 10x your business.

4.Practice Practice Practice
Come on Mike, we talking bout practice here. Not a game, but practice. Yes
Allen Iverson, thanks for joining us. We and Mike are discussing the things
we can do to become elite at affiliate marketing.

Now we know Jordan practice his tail off, high school, college then in the
nba. You don't get to the top without some practice. How does that apply
for us.

Well, how can you get 100,000 youtube followers if you don't make videos.
Then you say but I don't look right on camera well don't worry. Practice
people. How we going to get better with marketing if we never send out
emails. Nothing is ever smooth in the beginning but if we keep lacing up
our shoes and hitting the court(computers) how can we get better.

Well there you have it. Michael Jordan would've been an awesome online
marketer. Not better than us, but The Kid seems like he has spunk.

You got some too, so click the link and lets get you started huh. You going
to read this whole email and not take action. Go head and click on the link
and lets get you in the game.