Subject: Avon and Drug Dealing are Pyramid Schemes

Motor Club of America
Drug Dealing

Are they all schemes? Watching The Business of Drugs on Netflix, they asked a masked

Drug dealer, how does the business work? His response, "it's like a pyramid."

Her response. Like Avon. Anytime somebody is doing some shady dealings, people throw.

In MLM. A convicted murderer has a better rep than

Network marketing.

The only thing I don't enjoy about network marketing is whoever signs you up immediately.

Wants you to make a list of friends and family. I would find people who are looking for.

For the product you are selling. It might take time, but at least you will still have friends come.

Over for Thanksgiving dinner.

You are thinking about starting a business but don't know where to start. I have the solution you

Been searching for. Click the link. Any questions email me

Tony Resonno