Subject: Avoid the selfish disease like Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a pioneer. The second female Supreme Court judge. She was a trailblazer. Her one downfall though was the ego. She pulled a selfish move that could cost the country.

President Obama asked RBG to lunch during his presidency. A president can’t ask
a justice to retire but that was the angle. RBG refused. Why? Ego. Even do gooders have one.

Unfortunately she passed a month ago. Now the conservatives are rushing to nominate a candidate. It could tilt the power of the court for years.

Rewind back to the early 2000’s Sandra Day O’Connor retired while a republican
was in office. That’s how you play the game.

How big is your ego? Do you let it affect you in your everyday life?

Trying new things can effect your ego. You start then it’s not working fast enough.
The ego will get upset causing you to quit.

Starting a business is something that you should look into. Especially with the way jobs will
cut you loose without hesitation. But the ego will fight with you trying new things.

I know how you can start a new business online. Learn then apply. Unlike President Covid
you want have to rush this new venture. Leave your ego at the door and click the link.

Get started with your own online business started ASAP. Click below

Tony Resonno