Subject: A gift even your lover can't resist

The most overrated holiday is approaching. That's right. Valentine's day is for teenagers and single people. I just got dumped around Christmas. It's been two months lets hit the scene.

Valentine's is the most deceptive day of the year. Your unromantic boyfriend, who scratches his backside and plays video games all day, runs to the nearest gas station and gets you flowers.

For men, you jump through a series of hoops so that you can get a kiss on the cheek. The lucky ones might get a roll around in the hay.

Valentine's day is like a company that tells you to give us your credit card, and WE will give you a free trial. Three weeks roll around. You see, your account is short 99.99 dollars. What happened? You forgot to cancel that trial. GOOOOOTTTTTT Emmmmm.

One day a year shouldn't tell you to be sweet, romantic, daring, and loving. Be that all year round. I know it's hard to take your lady away on trips, expensive dinners, and random gifts when you are always short on cash.

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Tony Resonno