Subject: A football star rises and falls quickly

Thomas was a two-time all-state high school football player. Destined for greatness he got a scholarship to a Division I NCAA SCHOOL. People around him were salivating about the NFL.

"Big Boy, don't forget about me when you play in the NFL." Friends, family, and strangers alike were repeating the same sentence.

The NFL never came knocking. Thomas didn't make the jump to college. His excuse to the public, I couldn't get a ride to the college.

The real excuse, "That wasn't my dream school so I said F it."

Throwing your whole life away just because of a minor speed bump. Thomas could've worked harder and transferred to his dream school. Another scenario is use the rejection of your dream school as fuel to be the top player. None of that happened. He curled up and quit.

Now he's homeless, angry, and loves playing the blame game.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

When starting an online business, building up momentum is something you will do. Let's say if you got 150 subscribers, momentum is boiling up. Then you just quit because you haven't been offered the Joe Rogan deal. NO.

Don't cut your leg off to save a toe.

When you sign up with Legendary, you will learn about celebrating small victories. Running a business everything doesn't have to be a home run.

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Tony Resonno