Subject: Recipe for disaster: 15 April webinar with Rob Wallace

Recipe for disaster: 15 April webinar with Rob Wallace
    Join TNI's Wednesday webinar featuring evolutionary biologist Rob Wallace, author of Big Farms Make Big Flu and agrarian justice activists from Myanmar, Palestine, Indonesia and Europe.

    Recipe for disaster: 15 April webinar with Rob Wallace

    Dear TNI supporter,

    We had an incredible 3000 registrations from 78 countries for our first two weekly Wednesday webinars. We believe they are so popular because they are providing a unique platform to hear critical global perspectives on this unprecedented pandemic. In case you missed them, you can listen to recordings of the webinars here. At a times when the news is so bleak, the passion and commitment to respond internationally as activists and social movements is a source of hope.

    We are very glad to announce that our next Wednesday webinar at the same time, 4pm CET on 15 April will feature a dialogue between the acclaimed evolutionary biologist Rob Wallace, author of Big Farms Make Big Flu and agrarian justice activists from Myanmar, Palestine, Indonesia and Europe. Rob Wallace’s prescient research on the ways that capitalist industrial food and farming systems shape deadly pathogens was largely ignored at the time, but is now being quoted and cited by mainstream media worldwide.

    Make sure you register to receive an invite and link to the webinar.

    In the webinar we will explore how globalised industrial food systems set the scene for the emergence of COVID-19; the structural connections between big farming, pathogens and the precarity of the exploited industrial workforce; and the just and resilient food systems that we need today.

    • Rob Wallace author of Big Farms Make Big Flu and co-author of Neoliberal Ebola: Modeling Disease Emergence from Finance to Forest and Farm.
    • Moayyad Bsharat of the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), member organisation of La Via Campesina in Palestine.
    • Arie Kurniawaty of Indonesian feminist organization Solidaritas Perempuan (SP) which works with women in grassroots communities across the urban-rural spectrum.
    • Sai Sam Kham of Metta Foundation in Myanmar.
    • Paula Gioia of the European Coordination Via Campesina (TBC).

    4pm (CET), Wednesday 15 April (ends 5:30pm)

    We are proudly organising these webinars for free as contributions to the movements and activists that are responding to this pandemic. We do the same with all our research and analysis. That does not mean they do not cost money – it takes time and money to organise these events and research and publish. If you are in the fortunate position of having resources during these uncertain times, we would gratefully accept any donations towards our work. Please donate here.

    And if you haven't already sign up to our newsletter to receive news and updates on future webinars and the latest reports and analysis from TNI.


    Jess Graham

    Community Builder

    Transnational Institute - putting ideas into movement since 1974

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