Subject: Drones, dehumanising victims and perpetrators

Drones, dehumanising victims and perpetrators

November, 2016

Drones, dehumanising victims and perpetrators

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Drone: Robot Imperium


Armed drones have created a top-down view of the world, in which military officials and politicians assert an ideology of inherent superiority over subjugated, racialised people — or even dehumanised non-people — far beneath the  drone's gaze. But as the technology becomes cheaper and accessible, activists are starting to use drones to turn the gaze back on the oppressors.
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Investment protection treaties endanger democratic reform and peace initiatives in Myanmar

In the fragile context of Myanmar's nascent democratic reform, investment protection treaties must not be allowed to negatively affect processes that would make Myanmar more peaceful and democratic. Also available in Burmese.
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Susan George on the Development of a Treaty on Human Rights and Transnational Corporations

Susan George speaks about the history of UN action on transnational corporations, the potential pitfalls of the current negotiations towards a new human rights treaty, and the range of tax abuses, wage evasion, and investor protection weapons that transnational corporations can use and abuse.
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Building a UN treaty on Human Rights and TNCs

This report outlines the ingredients needed for an effective UN treaty on transnational coporations and human rights. It discusses six essential considerations to meaningfully address the impunity of transnational corporations under international law.
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Myanmar: The Dilemma of Ceasefires but No Peace

At a time of critical national change in Myanmer, waiting until after armed conflict is over to settle things will not work. - Also available in Burmese
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The Global Forum of Producers of Prohibited Plants (GFPPP)

The voices of affected communities involved in the cultivation of coca leaf, opium poppy and cannabis plants are lacking in the global debate on drug policy reform in general and were at risk of being excluded from the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) 2016 on The World Drug Problem. Watch the contributions during the UNGASS here:
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Flawed Global Rules in Agriculture: Need for a New Approach

Current global agriculture rules perpetuate market concentration in the North and dumping in the South
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Building Solidarities for Social, Economic and Environmental Justice

The economic and political rise of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) has far-reaching implications for global agrarian transformation as key sites of production, circulation and consumption of agricultural commodities.
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Legal statement on investment protection in TTIP and CETA

Investment protection and investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanisms are perhaps the most contentious aspects of TTIP and CETA. These mechanisms provide foreign investors with the right to sue the EU or its Member States in private tribunals over potential losses in profit due to current or new public welfare regulations.
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Climate change, militarism and war

How is climate change both caused by militarism and likely to fuel wars and further militarism? And who will suffer the consequences? This short video documentary, featuring interviews with prominent activists gathered at the UN Climate talks in Paris in 2015, discusses the connections.
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The rise of Chinese TNCs, BRICS, and current global challenges

China now hosts the second largest number of major TNCs after the US. How will they fare in a stagnant global economy? Read the article »

En español

Construyendo un tratado sobre derechos humanos y transnacionales en la ONU

Esta publicación contiene seis puntos fundamentales que debería tener en cuenta el Grupo de Trabajo de la ONU sobre transnacionales en materia de derechos humanos, con el fin de poner fin a la impunidad de las grandes empresas y su poder sistémico. Leer más »


Avanza el consenso en la ONU sobre tratado vinculante para transnacionales

La sociedad civil movilizada para exigir a la ONU un tratado vinculante que obligue a las empresas transnacionales a rendir cuentas por sus actividades plantea una reivindicación clave: los derechos humanos deben primar sobre los derechos comerciales. Leer más »


Foro Mundial de Productores de Plantas Prohibidas

Las voces de las comunidades implicadas en el cultivo de la hoja de coca, la adormidera y la planta de cannabis no suelen estar presentes en los debates internacionales, de modo que el TNI organizó un encuentro con el fin de que estas discutieran sus experiencias y se hicieran escuchar ante la Sesión Especial de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas (UNGASS) sobre drogas que tuvo lugar el pasado abril de 2016. >> Ver el video del encuentro (7 min.) Leer más »

Colombia: el NO a la refrendación de los acuerdos y los nuevos caminos de construcción de paz

La victoria del ‘no’ a la refrendación de los acuerdos de paz en Colombia puede leerse desde diferentes perspectivas, pero no debe ocultar la urgencia de iniciar un camino hacia la construcción de paz que anhela la mayoría del país.
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Nota legal sobre la protección de inversiones en el TTIP y el CETA

La protección de las inversiones y los mecanismos de solución de controversias inversor-Estado (ISDS) son quizás los aspectos más polémicos de los tratados comerciales TTIP y CETA. Estos mecanismos otorgan a los inversores extranjeros el derecho a demandar a los Gobiernos ante tribunales privados por posibles pérdidas de beneficios supuestamente derivadas de normas que promueven el bienestar público.
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