Subject: Your first TNI newsletter! Four articles to get you started.

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Welcome to our newsletter! Working together with activists like the Water Protectors is just part of the work we do. Our newsletter highlights new critical analysis and in-depth reports on a range of issues TNI works on.  

We thought you might be interested in this selection of work.

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How to Move Beyond Gas and Towards a Just Energy Transition
Residents of the Dutch city of Groningen, where gas is being extracted by the Dutch Petroleum Company (NAM), have lost confidence in the company, and in the regulations intended to protect them. Social movements, civil society organisations and local political parties gathered and discussed the dismantling of the NAM and the need to democratise the energy sector.
Watch the video.
All Change or No Change? Culture, Power and Activism in an Unquiet World
Martin Kirk, Jason Hickel and Joe Brewer
2016 was a tumultous year politically with elections breaking with all conventions, but beneath the surface the main operating logic of our world remains the same, failing people and planet. How can alternative worldviews help us tell new stories and how can we hack culture to bring about systemic change? 
Read the essay.
10 Rousing Struggles for Public Water
While water privatisation continues to be imposed throughout the world, particularly in the Global South, more and more communities are demanding public management of water and wastewater services and forcing out private actors. On World Water Day we bring you 10 inspiring stories of communities and cities working to reclaim control over this essential resource. 
Read the article.
The art of resistance
Devra Wiseman
The concept of ‘power’ bears with it the concept ‘powerless’. The powerless will resist those who, being powerful, oppress them. What constitutes such ‘resistance’? In the brilliant words of Rajat Singh “But resistance is the shape of rebellion each of us maintains in our own bodies.” 
Read the article.
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