Subject: Refreshing ideas: join the Q&A sessions with TNI researchers

Refreshing ideas: join the Q&A sessions with TNI researchers
Dear reader,

We have some refreshing new events coming up this spring. These include three Q&A sessions with TNI researchers who will share some insights into their work at the Walhalla Brouwerij & Proeflokaal. Additionally, there is the 3rd edition of the Think Global Drink Local Pub Quiz in the lovely Brouwerij Poesiat & Kater.


Refreshing Ideas: International peasant struggles
Thursday 18 April

In Walhalla Brouwerij & Proeflokaal a Q&A session with Sylvia Kay about the role of peasants and small scale food producers in the 21st century.

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Think Global Drink Local: Third edition
Wednesday 24 April

An exciting 3rd edition of the Think Global Drink Local Pub Quiz, at the beautiful Brouwerij Poesiat & Kater.

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Refreshing Ideas: A just transition to energy democracy
Thursday 16 May

A Q&A session in Walhalla Brouwerij & Proeflokaal. Lavinia Steinfort on how cities, communities and countries can reclaim and transform the energy economy from the bottom up.

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    Refreshing ideas: From the ground up: fight for our food systems
    Thurday 13 June

    Corporations have ever more power over what we eat. Join us in Walhalla Brouwerij & Proeflokaal where Katie Sandwell gives a talk on how we take back control and build systems to feed people, and not grow profits.

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