Subject: Petition: International cooperation, especially now! - Kies juist nu voor internationale samenwerking

Don’t let the world down, sign the petition to stop the cuts in international cooperation.

Dear Friend,

The new coalition government of the Netherlands, consisting of PVV, VVD, BBB, and NSC, is taking a right-wing course, cutting hundreds of millions from development cooperation in the coming years. Starting in 2027, these cuts will escalate to billions, specifically 2.4 billion per year. Little will remain of the already limited budget for international cooperation after 2027. This right-wing shift threatens to undermine global solidarity and support for vulnerable communities worldwide. That is why we are taking action now. Don’t let the world down—sign the petition to stop the cuts in international cooperation.

More international cooperation, not less

After all, these are cuts to people who could actually use our support.  At this moment in particular, the number of crises is only increasing. Droughts, floods, violence, conflicts and poverty are becoming more frequent. This calls for more international cooperation, not less.

A better world is also of great importance to the Netherlands and it is precisely in times of crisis that we must continue to invest in stability, peace and security. The essential work of our diplomats, civil society organizations and companies focused on poverty reduction, health care, education and tackling climate risks threatens to be destroyed in one fell swoop. Planned cuts are a risk to sustainable development programs worldwide, increasing vulnerability for all.

We speak out for international cooperation, will you join us?

It is not too late to turn the tide. The outline agreement will be developed into a coalition agreement by a new minister. The budget is not yet a done deal. Together with you, we want to contribute to a better world. We call to stop the cuts in international cooperation. Sign the petition and speak out!

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