We sat down and had an in depth interview with our owner, Latasha Matthews regarding her transition into authorship. Take a peek behind the veil and see what there is to expect from “The Dumping Ground”.
What inspired you to write this book? I was inspired by the hundreds of clients who entered my office struggling with setting and maintaining boundaries. I connected with each and everyone one of them because I too had the same struggles with boundary setting.
How does your book relate to your life path? The book definitely lines up with my purpose to share and help others gain healing over challenging areas in their life. As I shared techniques and stories about boundary setting it allowed me to seek God in the areas that He desires me to set better limits in. It also gave me the opportunity to present information to those who are struggling with boundary setting to hopefully empower and uplift them on their life's journey to set healthy boundaries.
What overall message do you want readers to grasp? The overall message that I want the readers to grasp is that they aren't alone in struggling with boundary setting and there is hope as well as ways to develop a skill set in this area.
Did you learn anything from writing your book? If so, what? Yes. I learned that the book writing process was therapeutic for me. I also discovered that boundary setting requires practice, consistency, and hard work. We really have to look inward at the decisions and choices we make and ask ourselves the hard question which is “Why did I make that choice?”
This month we've been talking about change and transitions; please explain this journey of traveling this new path of authoring. The journey has been laced with lots of dips and turns, curves and bumps but it has taught me exciting lessons on perseverance, transparency, honesty, and self-love.
Can you give us an example of a challenging boundary that you've had to set in your life? One of the areas that I am currently working on is financial boundary setting. As a business owner I am almost forced to set strict boundaries on spending, however my mind and behaviors don’t always line up with my new life as an entrepreneur.
What can readers who enjoy your book do to help make it successful? Readers can share the book, tell their friends, and let everyone know about my dumping ground groups that will teach boundary setting skills. They can also share my upcoming series topics with others: The Dumping Ground for teens, The Dumping Ground for Couples, and The Dumping Ground for Business Owners. Follow me on Twitter and FaceBook @illuminationcc for updates and information regarding the launch of these groups and book signings.
Is there anything else you'd like to say? Please purchase my book or buy it as a gift for someone who might benefit from it. Stay plugged in for my upcoming book release. See you out and about soon!