Subject: Day 7, Croatia trip: VBS theme of Jesus, the Good Shepherd

Day 7, Croatia trip: VBS theme of Jesus, the Good Shepherd

July 5th, 2023 at 2:52 pm CDT

View onlineRead onlineOur third and final day of VBS in the Roma village went well. Even though it had rained heavily in the night, the field where we met was not too wet. With the Roma kids our team prayed, sang lively VBS songs, performed a drama o ...

Day 6, Croatia trip: VBS lesson--Jesus calms the storm

July 4th, 2023 at 6:28 am CDT

View onlineRead onlineThank you for your faithful prayers. We had an excellent VBS session. There were around 60 kids who attended. The lesson was on Jesus calming the storm. The kids listened really well, the team did a fantastic job acting out the ...

Days 4-5, Croatia trip: Vacation Bible School

July 3rd, 2023 at 5:45 am CDT

View onlineRead online Thank you for your prayers. Below are pictures from the first day of Vacation Bible School in the Roma village in Sisak, Croatia. On Saturday, we prepared the crafts and practiced the songs and Bible story skit. Then in t ...

Our daily prayer calendar for July 2023

July 1st, 2023 at 6:30 am CDT

View onlineRead onlineTo get this prayer letter formatted as a calendar for printing out, go here to download.July 1 Pray for Roma in the Sisak village to be home when we invite them for VBS July 2 Pray for great attendance perfect weather daily for ...

Days 1-3, Croatia trip: arrived and preparing

June 30th, 2023 at 3:10 pm CDT

View onlineRead online Waiting at KC airportThank you for praying for us. We are grateful that we all made it safely to Croatia and were able to sleep well the first night. Our flights and one of the flights for the college students were delaye ...

Leaving today for Croatia for VBS and day camp for Roma

June 28th, 2023 at 6:30 am CDT

View onlineRead online osted byTodd PriceJune 26, 2023Posted inUncategorizedEditLanding in Croatia for VBS and day campFrom Pam: We’re packing for Croatia! It’s time for VBS and day camp for Roma! In these pictures, you can see Ariela and ...

Pray requests for Croatia trip (leaving Wednesday)

June 26th, 2023 at 9:54 am CDT

View onlineRead online Pam writing out the lyrics in Croatian and English to teach our summer teamer the songs we will sing in Bible clubs/VBSWe leave for Croatia in just two days. A friend of ours asked how he could pray for us and our trip; ...

"If only I may finish my course" (a sermon from Acts 20:17-24)

June 12th, 2023 at 5:58 pm CDT

View onlineRead online I had the privilege of preaching this message at our home church, CrossWay Bible Church, Blue Springs, MO, on June 11, 2023. May Jesus receive all the glory. Click above to listen to the full sermon (sermon begins at 28:4 ...

Our daily prayer calendar for June 2023

May 31st, 2023 at 6:05 pm CDT

View onlineRead onlineTo get this prayer letter formatted as a calendar for printing out, go here to download.June 1 Praise for Elizabeth graduating with her Master of Social Work; pray God will use her to help counsel others for His glory June 2 P ...

Of Gentile centurions and dirty animals: Lost (and found) in translation, #15; Ariela & Daniel’s school play, “Annie”

May 23rd, 2023 at 3:49 pm CDT

View onlineRead onlineBIBLE TRANSLATION UPDATE: Thank you for faithfully praying for us and generously giving financially to support our Bible translation work for Roma in Croatia, Serbia, and beyond.We’re excited that over the next few days the A ...