Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for October 2022; "How to Hear the Word of God" sermon

Our daily prayer calendar for October 2022; "How to Hear the Word of God" sermon

September 30th, 2022 at 5:00 am CDT

View onlineRead online  This is a sermon I preached at our home church, CrossWay Bible Church, Blue Springs, MO, earlier this month, on the subject of how to read (or listen) to the Bible. I hope it will be a blessing to you for God's glo ...

Excuse me while I “cover my feet”: Lost (and found) in translation, installment #9

September 22nd, 2022 at 1:18 pm CDT

View onlineRead online Students and other teachers for classes in Sociolinguistics Principles of Bible translation, held in SlovakiaI’m home from Slovakia; thank you for your prayers! In addition to the conference with The Word for the World ...

“Oh for a 1,000 … languages to tell my great Redeemer’s praise”; Slovakia report part 1

September 15th, 2022 at 6:51 am CDT

View onlineRead online I’ve enjoyed the beautiful scenery of mountains and forests in SlovakiaI am on day 9 of my 11-day trip to Slovakia. Thank you for praying for me. The Lord has graciously answered so many prayer requests, including the ...

Flying to Slovakia tomorrow and prayers appreciated!

September 6th, 2022 at 9:36 pm CDT

View onlineRead online   Tomorrow (Wednesday) morning I leave for an 11-day trip to Slovakia. I’ll be meeting with the Roma Bible translators and staff from The Word for The World Bible Translators for a conference, and then teac ...

Our daily prayer calendar for September 2022

September 1st, 2022 at 6:00 am CDT

View onlineRead online To download this prayer list in a format for printing out, click here.September 1 Pray for Todd as he prepares to preach this Sunday, for God’s guidance, insight, wisdom power September 2 Pray for Todd as he prepares ...

What is the “therefore” there for? Who’s got talents? (Lost [and found] in translation; installment #8)

August 29th, 2022 at 8:50 pm CDT

View onlineRead online  We’ve recently had the privilege of speaking at a few of the churches which support our ministry financially. It has been a joy to catch up with those we haven’t seen for several years, be able to preach the Wo ...

Lost (and found) in translation: Installment #7: seed pickers & babblers; new prayer requests

August 23rd, 2022 at 5:03 pm CDT

View onlineRead online  I’m currently preparing to teach a class to our Roma Bible translators on the topic of “sociolinguistics”. What is sociolinguistics? I’m so glad you asked! One simple definition is “sociolinguistics is ...

Lost (and found) in translation, installment #6: Jonah’s sign; signs of time or weather; flesh and blood

August 10th, 2022 at 1:04 pm CDT

View onlineRead online  Consulting on the translation of Matthew chapter 11-12 in the Arli language via ZoomConsulting from my home officeEach week I meet over Zoom to consult with the Roma Bible translators in Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia a ...

Our daily prayer calendar for August 2022

August 2nd, 2022 at 10:24 am CDT

View onlineRead online To download this prayer list in a format for printing out, click here.August 1 Pray we will be a blessing encouragement to Todd’s mom as we visit her today at her nursing home in Oklahoma City August 2 Pray for kids w ...

Flying the flag of missions to children; checking Matthew chapters 10-13

July 19th, 2022 at 7:50 pm CDT

View onlineRead online  Last week our church held our vacation Bible school and Pam and I led the missions class. We had 35-40 kids, ages pre-K through 5th grade. Pam did an amazing job teaching. She taught the kids (in an age-appropriate ...