Subject: We made it! We're moved to Croatia now!

We made it! (The Prices Write, April 2018, part 1)      View this email online if it doesn't display correctly
TOP: The loaded moving truck in front of our Hungary house
MIDDLE: We’re so thankful for our teammate in Budapest, Joy, for all she did to help us move.
BOTTOM: Unloading the truck at our new house in Slavonski Brod, Croatia

Dear friends who faithfully pray for us,

We made it! We’re now moved to Croatia!

Our hearts are overflowing with thanks to the Lord and His people for all they did to help us. Here are just some of the many ways in which we saw that “the gracious hand of our God was on us” in this move to Croatia:

* a kind Hungarian friend arranged for the painters and cleaner for our house in Budapest

* missionary friends helped us load the moving truck in Budapest

* our teammate, Joy, coordinated many details on and after moving day, for handing the house in Hungary back over to the landlords

* perfect weather both for the day in Hungary when we loaded the moving truck, and the next day in Croatia when we unloaded it (no rain!)

* energy and stamina for Pam working all night to finish the packing before moving day

* protection from injuries during the move

* our cat traveled well on the trip and there were no problems crossing the border to “import” him from Hungary to Croatia

* the truck had no problems crossing the border from Hungary to Croatia, there were NO CUSTOMS CHARGES (!!!!!) for importing our possessions, and the truck had no delays, arriving in Croatia the same night

* national co-workers and Roma friends helped unload the moving truck in Croatia

* government paperwork for temporary and eventual longer term visas has gone very smoothly

* we got our diplomas translated and all our visa application paperwork submitted to immigration before the long Easter weekend

* our kind real estate agent helped us get Croatia tax ID numbers, required for doing business here

* good health (no flu) during this entire time (three months in all) of preparations and moving from the States to Hungary to Croatia!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support in our move to Croatia. We are so grateful for your partnership in the Gospel!

Todd & Pamala

BELOW: The younger kids zonked out by the time we loaded the car to drive to Croatia.

Donations can be sent to:
Pioneers, 10123 William Carey Dr., Orlando, FL 32832
or made online at:
To give tor our missionary support, please designate your donation for account 110250 "Todd & Pamala Price".
To give to the Roma Bible translation projects, please designate your donation for account 150786 P001 "Roma Bible"
PIONEERS (account #110250), PO Box 621329, 32862, Orlando, United States
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