Subject: "We are Here" video; Daily prayer calendar for Nov. 2017

"We are Here" documentary; Daily prayer calendar for November 2017 (The Prices Write, part 2)   View this email online if it doesn't display correctly
Watch the 33 minute film, "We are Here", documenting the history of the Roma and testimonies of those who have found Jesus, made by our friends at


To get this prayer calendar in a format made to print out, click here:

Nov 1 Pray for Todd & volunteers writing a NT Greek grammar to help national Bible translators
Nov 2 Pray for Todd & volunteers writing a NT Greek dictionary (lexicon) to help national Bible translators
Nov 3 Pray for fruitful meetings with fellow Pioneer missionaries to the Roma, Andy & Lim, visiting here in KC
Nov 4 Pray we can bless our host couple for the Abundant Life Baptist Church missions weekend
Nov 5 Pray for Todd & Pam speaking at Abundant Life Baptist Church, Lee’s Summit, MO, 9:30 & 11:10 a.m. & 4:30 p.m.
Nov 6 Pray for safe travels & good sleep for Todd on his flights to Croatia
Nov 7 Pray for safe travels for Todd, Goran, Kada & Emrush & for no problems renting a car & getting into B&B
Nov 8 Pray for fruitful Bible translation checking sessions with Goran, Kada & Emrush on the Gurbet & Arli dialect translation drafts
Nov 9 Today is Timothy’s 27th birthday! Pray for successful college classes, good friends & encouragement in the Lord
Nov 10 Pray for fruitful Bible translation checking sessions with Kada & Sasah on the Arli dialect translation drafts
Nov 11 Pray for fruitful Bible translation checking sessions with Natasha, Renata & Nedeljko for Bayash dialect
Nov 12 Pray for health & safety for Pamala & kids in KC while Todd is gone, for good home schooling & for spiritual protection
Nov 13 Pray for fruitful Bible translation checking sessions with Djeno & Biljana on Chergash Bible translation draft
Nov 14 Pray for stamina & safety for Todd in Croatia & teammate, Joy Hill, traveling from Hungary to pick up supplies she brought to Todd for the translators
Nov 15 Pray for safety for Todd flying back to the US & for quick adjustment back to US time zone
Nov 16 Praise for safety & protection over many miles of travel
Nov 17 Pray for safe travels going to OKC for missions conference & getting to see Todd’s family
Nov 18 Praise God for our neighbors’ kindness to let Daniel & Ariela jump on their trampoline (for many happy hours!)
Nov 19 Pray as we speak at Spring Creek Baptist Church, Oklahoma City
Nov 20 Pray for efficient learning time as we home school, either traveling (like today) or when we are at home
Nov 21 Pray for wisdom & guidance for the core team developing Bible translation software & content
Nov 22 Praise that we can celebrate tomorrow with Pam’s side of the family, gathering in KC
Nov 23 Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever (Ps 106:1).
Nov  24 Pray for Jonathan on his trips to Korea to accomplish the Lord’s purposes in all things
Nov 25 Pray for $925 more monthly support for Stephen & Elizabeth Sell to be able to return to Hungary
Nov 26 Pray as we speak at Avondale Baptist Church, Kansas City, MO
Nov 27 Praise for good health with our busy schedules
Nov 28 Pray for Kirsten to orbit her life around Jesus, His priorities & His passions
Nov 29 Praise for AWANA at a nearby church for Daniel & Ariela
Nov 30 Pray for good health for teammate, Joy, & strength for all her ministry work

Donations can be sent to:
Pioneers, 10123 William Carey Dr., Orlando, FL 32832
or made online at:
To give tor our missionary support, please designate your donation for account 110250 "Todd & Pamala Price".
To give to the Roma Bible translation projects, please designate your donation for account 150786 P001 "Roma Bible"
PIONEERS (account #110250), PO Box 621329, 32862, Orlando, United States
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