Subject: Update on Pam’s mom & preparations for Croatia

Thank you for your prayers for Pam’s mom, Barbie Hughes. She has enjoyed special times with all four of her children (pictured above) eating blueberry pie (!) and singing hymns and spiritual songs together (in harmony!)

Barbie’s kidney and liver function numbers are moving in the right direction and we are praising God that she has been able to lose a lot of the water retention weight (edema)! The doctor said she does not need hospice yet, though we have looked into a nursing home/rehabilitation facility for short-term stays in case that need arises in the future. Thank you for prayng. We’ll see how her levels look in the coming days.

In preparation for our trip (June 19-July 4), the youth group at our church helped us prepare the materials for the hand crafts that the Roma children will do during the Vacation Bible School in Croatia (pictured above and below).

We’ve also started meeting at our house with our summer team volunteers to learn the Bible skits, songs and crafts, and go over logistical details about our travels and stay in Croatia. We’re so grateful for the four young adults, Louis, Josiah, Vivian and Julie (pictured below at our house with our family) who are going with us from our home church.

If you would like to help with our family’s expenses, we currently need $3,600 more to cover this outreach trip's costs. See the bottom of the page for how to give or give online here. (This is in addition to our regular monthly support needs, so please specify that it is for project #151420 CROATIA SUMMER MISSION PROJECT.) Thank you!

To hear details about our upcoming trip to Croatia, click here to listen to the recording of Todd, Pam and the team giving the details in our church’s Equip Hour (pictured below).

To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

PO Box 621329

Orlando, FL 32862-1329

(407) 581-7450

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