Subject: Update on Matthew after 4th operation

Thank you for your patience in waiting for an update. I (Todd) am with Matthew in his room at the Trauma ICU at John Muir Hospital in Walnut Creek, CA. I arrived last night (Monday) around 10 pm, and Elizabeth arrived from Kansas City around 11 pm. We have been tag-teaming, having someone stay with Matthew, and the others trying to get some much-needed sleep. Elizabeth and I have a hotel, I have a rental car for now, and Elizabeth has a vehicle to borrow from new friends we have met here. Jonathan travels back and forth from his apartment in Oakland. Jonathan has done a fantastic job, being with Matthew all this time and doing all he can to make sure Matthew receives the best possible care as we navigate a very complicated, confusing, and serious medical condition.

Matthew's injury was very severe. As best we can tell, he must have lost control of his motorcycle. He hit the guard rail on the highway, his left arm was almost severed, and his neck was broken. Thankfully he was conscious when medical help arrived, so he was able to tell them Jonathan's phone number. We are very thankful that he is alive and that he did not die at the scene of the motorcycle accident or on the operating table. He lost 3 liters of blood and has multiple injuries, including a break in his left arm, a broken rib and a broken vertebra in his neck. The doctors think they will need to amputate his left arm, which is his dominant arm.

Here are the main concerns: Pray that he will not need an amputation. If that is necessary, pray for much wisdom for the surgeons to know at what point to amputate (wrist, elbow, upper arm, or shoulder). At this point, he is heavily sedated, and they are carefully monitoring all his vitals. Pray that his body will heal, for safety for his kidneys and lungs and other organs, for healing for the extreme fluid build-up and that there will be proper blood flow to his left arm. Pray that he will remain stable. Pray that God will spare his life and that there will be no complications. Although he is stable and we are very thankful for that, the doctors and nurses must constantly monitor him so that he remains stable and his life is not in danger. It is a very complicated dance with all the medications and wounds and other issues.

He has a breathing tube and feeding tube as well as IVs. Though he can respond well at times with his eye movements, facial expressions, and his right hand, he quickly drifts back to sleep. He currently has no sensation in his left arm. Thankfully there is a pulse, but his hand is very cold and dark.

We are so blessed by the hundreds who are praying. Thank you! Please understand that I will not be able to reply to each e-mail, phone call, text, and comment, although we see and read them, and they mean a lot to us. If you do not get a response from me, please contact Pamala Price or

Feel free to share this with as many others as possible and ask them to be in prayer. Please pray for Matthew. Pray for me, Jonathan and Elizabeth. Pray for the surgeons. If you would like to help, please see the GoFundMe campaign our friends have set up:…


Brad Babcock Mat

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