Subject: Update on Bob's health; Police update; A big thank you!

Update on Bob's health; Police update; A big thank you!         View this email online if it doesn't display correctly
We so thankful to each of you who pray for us and support this ministry financially. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your extreme generosity. We are so grateful for all you do for us. (We took this picture yesterday after Mother's Day lunch! Here Ariela is giving Pam the card she and Kirsten made for her!)

So many of you have been praying for our team leader, Bob Hitching's, health. Thank you for your prayers. I asked his wife, Nancy, for an update and here is what she shared:
"He has been to the doctor (heart and Internist) they are working in concert to discover the reason for Bob’s recent collapse and to adjust his meds to a better level for the immediate. He will be on rest and the team will be assisting him with the day to day running of the mission and the planning for the summer work. He hopes to return to non-administrative leadership in about a month and in the meantime our Associate Director, Andy Warner is leading our teams in Croatia and Hungary.We are so appreciative of the prayer and know that God is working in and though this time to strengthen the team and the vision and that in future Roma Bible Union will be even more prepared for carrying on the work with the Roma here in Eastern Europe and to stand against the warfare which is with us daily."

We have been asking you to pray for Andrea, mother of 5, who had to leave the Roma work in Serbia with her family to return to the States for breast cancer treatment. We praise God that the 'abnormality' that came up in her final check up was not cancer. As we understand it, she is cancer-free, PTL! Please pray for the Lord's guidance for them regarding if/when/how to return to Eastern Europe for work among the Roma.

Congratulations to Jonathan who graduated Saturday from Truman State University in Kirksville, MO, with a B.S. in Computer Science!

Thank you to all of you who have been praying for the police situation here. When we tried to go to the first ever retreat of the Roma Bible Union, meeting in Croatia, we were stopped at the border, held, questioned and issued an accusation of using a ‘fictitious’ document all because I showed the border police my international driver’s document before showing them my US driver’s license. This has been very stressful as the law regarding this accusation refers to imprisonment and we have not been helped yet by a Hungarian lawyer.  (However, Thursday when we applied for our visa renewals, the immigration office checked and said that I have no police record so nothing should hinder our visa renewals so this is great news.)
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