Subject: Travels to Oklahoma, Texas and Iowa (The Prices Write, September 2020, part 1)


Thank you for your faithful prayers for us!

My (Todd’s) mom (pictured above) and dad both have pretty severe dementia and are no longer able to completely take care of themselves. They are living in their own house in Oklahoma City, and my sister, Tracey, and I are helping them out at this time. It is clear to us that God’s timing has been perfect in that we came back to the States to help Matthew after his accident, but it is providential that we can be Stateside to help my parents at this crucial time in their lives.

My sister, Tracey, just finished nursing schooling (the timing, again, is perfect), so she and a fellow nurse are helping take care of our parents, and we are thankful for hired house helpers and other nursing care. This week, we are in Oklahoma City to help get work done on their house. We’re glad we can be just a day’s drive away in Kansas City so we can come down as needed, and also that I can handle finances for them online from our home.

Daniel moving boxes at my parents’ house, getting things ready for new flooring

Thank you for praying for Matthew. His nerve transfer surgery results will only be seen gradually over the next six months to two years. He is getting good help from a hand therapist in Kansas City, and he’s able to drive himself. He is developing his portfolio and looking for work in UX (user experience) for apps and web pages. Please pray for him to find a job soon. Please also pray for our insurance to approve the costs of getting a prosthetic arm for him very soon.


Kirsten started classes at Calvary University in Kansas City. These early college classes will count for her junior year of high school and college credit, so it is a great time and money saver. She has her driver’s permit, and I’m teaching her to drive. The state of Missouri requires 40 hours of driving practice before taking the test for her license.

Daniel and Ariela are in a new home school co-op this year in Kansas City. We are excited they can be in this with their cousins and also with new friends they have made.

In the Ludari language, I am currently editing the Roma translators’ rough drafts of Luke chapters 6 and 7. We now have a second Bible translation consultant who has joined our project, and he is looking over their second drafts of Luke chapters 17-24. This second consultant is an answer to your prayers for more workers for the translations.

Also, I am checking the translators’ drafts of Matthew chapter 1 and 2 in all five of the languages: Arli, Bayash, Chergash, Gurbet, and Ludari. Please pray for the Roma translators working from their homes in Croatia and Serbia, me working from home in Kansas City, and the two consultants checking their work from Dallas and Boston.

This picture is of Goran, at his office in Serbia, working on the Bible translation into the Gurbet language.

This month we begin speaking at our supporting churches, where we will give an update on our mission work and progress on the Bible translations, and I will be preaching. We will speak at Sully Community Church (Sully, IA) 9/12-13, Master’s Community Church (KC, KS) 9/20, and Metropolitan Bible Church (OKC, OK) 9/27. If you live nearby, we’d love to have you join us!

Thank you for your faithful prayers for us as a family and our co-workers doing Bible translation into the Roma languages.

Todd & Pamala
(Matthew, Kirsten, Daniel, Ariela)

Fun time visiting Todd’s aunt, Pat, in Oklahoma City and driving her golf cart!

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