Subject: Today is #GivingTuesday; pray for Gospel of Luke in Bayash & friends with COVID; book recommendation


Thank you to all of you who so generously give to make possible the ministry of translating the Bible for Roma. We greatly appreciate your kindness and are constantly amazed and humbled at your generosity. Thank you so much!

It is always a joy to make progress in translation and today we completed the consultant check for Luke 23 in Bayash. Since there is only one more chapter to go, we hope to finish Luke in Bayash this week. After that, one of the translators will begin making the audio recording of the entire Gospel of Luke in Bayash. Having the audio version will go a long way in sharing the Gospel of Luke with Bayash Roma, since then they can then listen to it online where it will be available 24/7.

COVID continues to raise its ugly head in Croatia. The fathers of our two dear Croatian teammates both have it and are in poor health. Please pray for them, for quick healing and complete recovery. The COVID numbers are so high in Croatia and the hospitals in the capital so full that some people have to be treated in the rooms of one of the sports arenas. Please pray for our friends and many others in Croatia.

Thank you for your prayers.

  • Pray for wisdom and God’s guidance as we finish checking the Gospel of Luke in Bayash with our consultant.

  • Pray that our translator can make a clear and high quality audio recording of Luke in Bayash and that it will reach many listeners.

  • Pray for this translator as he is faced with dialysis and a potential kidney transplant. Pray for his health and for peace from the Lord.

  • Pray for friends in Croatia with COVID, for healing and strength.

Looking for a good book …

to help you in your prayer life. I recommend Praying for Your Missionary, by Eddie Byun.

Being a missionary is a noble calling, but it’s also a difficult one. Missionaries face many challenges … [but] for many Christians, missionaries are out of sight, out of mind


To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

10123 William Carey Dr.

Orlando, FL 32832


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